highland games lifting program

Im a meathead. Im not 19 years old and 20, and Im not in college to where Im just, you know, eating and sleeping, and going to track practice. Learn more about concurrent training for Strength & Endurance, Add some new twists to the traditional plank. As Dan John said, "throwers throw". Matt Vincent: I dont know. Whats your advice for someone who wants to start throwing cabers and hammers around? Brett McKay: You mentioned time is fleeting for you. Youve written some books on strength training, youve got content online about strength training. If youre moderately fit and youre working out and youre athletic, yeah, just go give it a shot and see if its any fun before you start investing a bunch of time and energy. DM: Taller guys do have leverage advantages as well as release point perks, but Id say your success in those actions is due to your athleticism. Strength, power, body control, and conditioning are required for any athlete that wants to make progress in the Highland Games. Price: $97 Buy Now Highland games Online Clinic: Weight For Distance Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. On throwing days we work to perfect technique. Your Strong Man, power lifting, and especially toward the top end, right, your professional classes in those sports have it a lot more. For some reason, my brain just isnt going to allow it. We also throw the lighter stone, which is 16 pounds and it can go up to 18. Two Dumbbell Clean and Press: start light and go up to max. Brain Games are a new, "kernelized" approach to intervention, with simple and discrete stand-alone activities that can be easily integrated into routine operations at crches with a limited amount of training and supervision . Instagram is I hviii Matt Vincent, spelled the same way as before. Im definitely not an endurance athlete, but I like spending time on the bike. 22# Hammer: 1322.75 (World Record) Whats the benefit of doing it? Lets switch gears. Im not interested on being a 280 pound 45-year-old. I dont necessarily count them, though, as its a struggle for me to maintain a high body weight. Brett McKay: Brett McKay here and welcome to another edition of The Art of Manliness Podcast. BC: Glad Im not alone in my affinity for curls. Click Subscribe, enter your payment info, and you will receive an e-mail from me within 24 hours with instructions how to begin working together. Ill be honest with you, I finally figured this out not too long ago. Stuff like that. 14 weeks per phase.. or 3 phases in 14 weeks? Change). Throw Ideally, if you have the implements, choose two or three events and practice them. Matt Vincent: For me, and what I believe sub-maximal training is, right, is youre going to use less weight and do more reps. Not quite like a body building style. I have a twin and we put my poor mother through hell, but you have 5 boys in total, I couldnt even imagine how much of a handful that is. It is sad, but any strength sport will have guys who feel they need to cheat and destroy their bodies to throw far. They have an amateur class and they have a novice class. There are a couple of real basics, that we can start with. Work is Join Chad for some fun with the boys from Massenomics, Matt Sharafinski has added over 300 pounds to his total with JuggernautAI, Huge numbers for elite powerlifter Carlos Moran. Kind of the same as Strong Man is, but now with YouTube and the Internet, its a hell of a lot more accessible. I do Olympic variations twice a week and get my posterior chain work through lots of back hypers, glute ham raises, curl work, and modified deads such as RDLs and straight leg deads. Brett McKay: Got you. Its amazing to me that the logic of, If I want my biceps bigger, right, I can do, say, curls, and do a bunch of sets of curls. With the help of Joe and Adrianne Wilson, he competed in his first and second ever, Highland Games competitions. But two hundred pounds is always two hundred pounds." DM: Probably my 341 lb. In prior years, Ive had the police watch me and even ask to, clean up when youre done. During the season (April through September) Ill typically practice the events two to three times a week. If youre doing a bodybuilding routine, this probably isnt for you. Brett McKay: Do you think youll stay connected to the sport in some way as a coach or mentor? dumbbell or kettlebell and a plyo-box. Its probably been in the last three years that Ive understood recovery and properly doing things like that, you know. Stone Lifting: Martin Jancsics Follow the music and join in. I imagine your posterior chain gets plenty of stimuli with all the Olympic variations and throwing you do, would you agree? The Games are also noted for their unique sporting and athletic events many of which involve throwing and lifting. Easy throws focusing on form. Man if I could just get on the treadmill a little bit more, these abs. Thats one of Jims big principles. And I think you make a good point about the throwing I do. Nothing is over 56lbs. If youre going to throw a punch, youre not just going to have your shoulders square and then throw a six inch jack. Goodness, that will be quick. Im going stuff at 75, 85, and 95% weight. Matt Vincent: Yeah, man, stoked to be here. Keep moving weight violently and fast. Where can readers follow you and find out more about you? 56# Weight for Distance: 475 You want to turn your shoulders away from it, and push the hips first, and then really throw a hay maker. Youre a large man. The exercise selections were challenging, but felt great. Sorinex sells a glute ham roller, a new piece, that I love doing leg curls and glute ham bridges with. Matt Vincent: Of course. You know, completely below parallel. BC: How does one start learning more about The Highland Games if one is interested in training and competing? Ive got a few ways people can follow my competitions, training and life in general. Do you have any idea about the history of the Highland Games? Brett McKay: It seems like theres a lot of camaraderie in that sport, in the Highland Games. Even the UFC, now, disallows TRT as an acceptable medical treatment. We really didnt dead lift much in college. Dan is big on simplicity and treating the body as one piece.. I have at least two locations near my house that I can throw at, and thankfully the cops know me at this point. 3 Days Per Week, 2 Week Microcycles, 8 Week Mesocycles, 0 Unicycles. DM: Many people accuse me of doing a bodybuilding split, as I like to break my days into muscle groups and movements. The basics: 1. BC: Dan, first things first, who do you think would win in a fight you or me? Two Dumbbell Clean and Press: start light and go up to max.2. Matt Vincent: Its definitely one way to do it. How far he throws is completely, has nothing to do with how far I throw. Old Celt's Highland Games Athletic Equipment 1071 Deer Run Lane Crownsville, MD 21032 Home: (410)721-7610 Work: (301)805-4858 Fax: (301)805-4856 E-Mail: oldcelt100@aol.com www.nasgaweb.com/ads/oldcelt/ Mjolnir Hammers Ltd. PO Box 221 Beverly, WA 99321-0221 (509)932-4580 Edwin W. Holcombe 333 Coinbow Drive Mt. When the rubber meets the road, fitness sport is an endeavor driven by endurance. Add in 2 lifting sessions, one reppy, one snappy. I kid. The hammer throwing event features a hammer made from a metal ball weighing around 22 lb for men or 16 lb for women, attached to a wooden pole or handle. Theyre similar type of battle things, like throwing rocks to defend yourself or the weights, actually were The old 56 and old 28, these are all part stone weights, right. Its really fascinating. Im curious why doing curls to work the biceps always seems to fall into the cosmetic category. Its a really interesting strength sport out there. Is there How do you overcome plateaus, how do you deal with setbacks, k mean, what is your mental game like? All these muscles help stabilize the body and improve your ability to throw. Its the North American source for discussion, training, technique work, schedules, ranks, equipment sources and more. Give me a shout Discover True Victory Liquid error: Could not find asset snippets/icon-apple_pay.liquid DM: I hit about 3,700 to 4,000 calories. Matt Vincent: My actual advice is to find a local game next to you and o in and compete as a novice. for most. Highland Games are as iconically Scottish as bagpipes, kilts and whisky all of which feature heavily at any gathering. The cards are going to fall where they fall. He could help with his hip flexion issues. There is minimal info, compared to Powerlifting, From being involved in various strength sports for this long one of the big mistakes I see is that guys never take IHGF Professional Highland Games World Championships Things have been very exciting in my world lately. Get to know a coach with a decade plus of experience. How do you deal with that aspect? I have coached complete novices that have never set foot on the field, the top pros in the world, and every level in between. Marisa Inda turns her focus to physique training, In the gym with Chad using the JuggernautBJJ App, Quit making these mistakes in your training, In the gym with 3x Jiu Jitsu World Champion. Team Juggernaut's favorite variations to improve one of the most complex lifts, Use the simple tips to improve your Front Squat, Improve your jerk with these simple tips from Max Aita, Improve your Clean with these simple tips, Simple but effective tips to improve the Snatch from Max Aita. What are you going to do, just quit? MILO articles on Highland Games heavy events technique for weight for height, caber toss, weight for distance, putting the stone, hammer throw, seasonal weight training and more, from Jim McGoldrick and others. I think, when Im done doing this that strength will become less of a focus for me. Its really the easiest way to about it. How should you setup your program to Bench Press the most? Brett McKay: Do you have any idea how the Scots invented this stuff? DM: Always an honor to chat with you, man. Dan and I instantly hit it off. Ive been competing in it for 10 years now, so its becoming more and more important that I dont bury myself with the Highland Games. It's a fascinating strength competition, and one I've long wanted to learn more about. As far as how long do I see myself doing this, I mean, Ive seen guys be competitive on the world scale at almost 40. Brett McKay: How does it differ from 531? I like being able to move. The principal weight training exercises involved in power development are the Olympic lifts (clean, snatch, overhead press/jerk variations) and the power lifts (bench press, squat variations, and deadlift variations). You throw twice a week and you lift twice a week. How do you balance athleticism with getting big and strong, because Im sure getting big and strong, because Im sure getting big and strong helps in throwing more weight. Liberty or Death: SCBC goes all in at the LibertyOpen. DM: The Scottish Highland Games is part track and field throwing and part strongman. You may have seen theHighland Games online or on television: guys in kilts throwing giant logs, tossing hammers over their heads, etc. BC: Yep, all of us lifters have to learn this lesson as we age. We live in Kansas City, Missouri where I work as the Midwest Rep for Sorinex. Everyone is just trying to go out and do their best and enjoy the fact that we get paid to travel and theres prize money and all of this for this sport that not that many people know about. Your email address will not be published. I think the mountain from Game of Thrones does this sort of stuff as well, youve competed against him. These do well to work the stabilizing muscles. That wraps up another edition to the Art of Manliness podcast. Other than that, YouTube is a huge asset in training and competition development. Team Juggernaut: Matt Vincent Wins World Highland Games Championship! No one is going to make it out of this thing all the way without scars. We do the caber, of course, is the on everyone knows. Subscribe to the podcast in the media player of your choice. I wish you the best of luck in the future. How do you deal with that? Martin Jancsics is an exceptional athlete and stone lifting instructor from Scotland. Then, we have another distance event where we throw the hammer, which is a steel or a lead ball on the end of a stick. Thats his goals and his things. Two days of lifting should be sufficient but one more probably wont hurt recovery. Im working with a few of the bigger competitions in this sport to help eradicate that. Try these moves out before your next Deadlift workout. The first was the Greenville (NC) Scottish Games in which he was ranked 158 out of 334 in the Master's Division. I think weightlifting is the most transferrable but there have been many a successful thrower from strongman and powerlifting backgrounds. Brett McKay: How do you battle with our programming? Like, Im not going to be famous, Im not going to I dont need to go have a discussion with Reese Hoffa, for example, you know, Olympic shot putter, about how were both world champions. Then, when they were ready to compete again, since they now have low T from their steroid use, they could get prescribed TRT to keep their levels high. I think its really important as an athlete that you knowing how to manipulate your own body weight is kind of key, how to adjust yourself in space and move quickly. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. What Ive been fighting for in my sport is, essentially, the same rules that the NCAA, IOC, SHGA, WADA, etc. We at JTS strive to bring the best powerlifting, weightlifting, training and strength content in the world. The Games are also noted for their unique sporting and athletic events many of which involve throwing and lifting. Take your performance on the mats to the next level! Brett McKay: There you go. Im a performance athlete, so since the amount of weight on the bar doesnt do me a lot of good in a contest, because were not lifting bars. How are muscle damage and muscle growth related? I always enjoy going to my local gamesThere is nothing sexier to this Glasgow Gran than strong men in kilts. DM: In the past four seasons, Ive won two World Championships and Matt has won the other two. I would take these ideas and implement them as the following: Olympic lift full, power, hang or any combination there of, Unilateral oly movement opposite of the previous, Corresponding squat to the first oly movement. What I mean by saying that is Im really not that concerned with, say, my gym Prs., or maxes or my power lifting total. Improve your mental performance with Coach Kate. My wife and I have five young boys, ages 7, 6, 3, 3, 15 months. It was extremely helpful to get those emails when my gym opened back up. This is a program for beginning throwers by Dan John: For an example, I offer you the worlds simplest program: 1. Dan is an amazing athlete. Injuries are going to happen, and setbacks happen. How important are the glutes in Highland Games competitions? Does not get any better than this.Bret and the Scottish Games two of my favorite thingsThanks for the info Dan McKim. Im assuming that you have somewhere to train locally where you can perform the various competitive lifts. Repeat two days later." These include the shot put, tug-o-war, caber toss and hammer throw - collectively known as heavy events. In the day and age of information overload it is nice to have a way to simplify my efforts and put my energy into lifting and throwing instead of planning what to do next. Ive been very fortunate to be part of a sport that allows me to travel around the world and do some pretty awesome stuff. Clearly you have deep hip sockets and cant squat deep due to your anatomy. I still dont see how that would be the most efficient way to do it. It takes a lot of ego out of training. This Highland Games Training Camp will be a true 3 day immersion in all things lifting, throwing, and overall health related with John Odden. Im really glad I got on board with Heavy/Light lifting. But most will not be able to do this. Brett McKay: Theres a fine line, you said that if you just focus on getting big and strong, youre going to fat, but that could be a detriment to . And if youd like more information about Matts programming, check out his book Strength Lab,available on Amazon. Matt Vincent: No clue what thats like, anyway, all of that happens in the kitchen anyway, it has nothing to do with your gym time. More to come! DM: My money is on you, bud. Brett McKay: Youve got to keep striving. I need to be able to accelerate that object in as short amount of time as possible, so I need horsepower. I thought Id put something out for you guys that may be interested in coming out to compete. Ill probably work on losing weight and doing some body composition stuff. Try out these movements before your next Snatch session for better mobility and technique. Maybe too simple. Athletes that had that different drive than your normal people. I was like Oh, hes spelling heavy different, then I was like, oh no, hviii, that makes sense.. Its just measured for distance. As things moved on, Im sure someone took one and said, I think I can throw it further than you or higher. Thats what the original ones actually looked like, and they were counterbalances for the other side of the scale. How do you mix in the event training throughout a typical week? Its a sad state of affairs, I believe. BC: Awesome. Its fantastic. Matt Vincent: Like anybody, through high school, and growing up, I basically played everything I could; and, to some, I guess the extent of being decent at a lot of things, but not very good at any of them. There are some training groups and heavy events people or groups on Facebook that are pretty easy to find just with the group search. Now tell us a bit about The Highland Games. Brett McKay: Boredom probably was the impetus. eBook, Try out these drills for a better and more stable overhead position in the Jerk. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); and receive myFREE Lower BodyProgressions eBook! Throwing is one of the most overlooked sports of Strength Sports. I couldnt ignore the results of athletes training in methods beyond classic block periodization. We also talk about his programming that hes created called The Hate. Well talk about why he calls it The Hate as well, in a bit. That doesnt translate well me throwing something that weighs 16 pounds. The camaraderie is great, because theres probably only 20 of us that are at the top end in the world. My plan is to put 3 implements (14 pound stone, 16 pound hammer, and 42 weight for distance)in the Hyudai and throw at lunch. 56# Weight for Height: 18 Youre still going to get the Olympic lifts, youre still going to do some speed work, and youre still going to work on max strength. Im sure its not looking like a body builders diet, Im sure youre eating for performance. Do you do half squats, or just avoid squatting altogether? Program Options Athlete Package (Throwing+Lifting) : $75.00 USD - monthlyHeavy/Light Lifting : $30.00 USD - monthlyHeavy/Light Throws Coaching : $60.00 USD - monthly Equipment Required: Barbell & Plates Not to mention, that guy throws kegs for height. Matt Vincent: You need that speed to apply that force, instead of just, you know, a 600 pound bench press, right. So get a shotput or a big rock and get 50 good throws. Friends may come and go. Sports Science Topics & Research Guest Articles, Peer-Reviewed Articles (Journal Publications), Coaching, Personal Training, Programming, & Nutrition Topics, Coaching, Personal Training, Programming, & Nutrition Guest Articles, (Brets note: I randomly found a video of Dan performing hex bar jump squats so I embedded it below), (Brets note: below is my friend Jim Kielbaso showing off the glute ham roller), Dan McKim eBook: Behemoth: Power Training for Strength Athletes, How to Isolate the Quads and Hams in a Garage Gym. All of our best Nutrition content in one convenient place. I can do that, but Im also going to gain a bunch of weight, lose some mobility and be slower. Top end athletes, to the lowly Johnny . Its pretty simple. Overhead Squat: Mix reps each workout. What I need to do is all of this: Joint mobility, especially my hips and ankles. Im guessing, but most likely its 3 4-week meso-cycles with a dropback/contrast week in week 5 10. One of them is a heavy stone, and one of them is a light stone. Brett McKay: Got you. I may even like to see the squats come second, alternating Overhead Squat with Back Squat. Brett McKay: No, that doesnt make any sense. So this is why we work the overhead squats and unilateral movements. Highland Outlaw Workout This is a predominantly sandbag based highlander workout with the incorporation of stability exercises and speed drills. What keeps you going, right? I have really enjoyed the addition of the lifting program that Mike created. I have started to think of pinning my big toes to the bottom of my shoes, which forces my knees to track better and keep me from hitting rock bottom. I just keep trying to lose fat but stay there. I noticed an increased awareness of my bodys athleticism and increased explosiveness within the first few weeks. After doing that, I got into a normal job in the oil and gas industry and started getting back in the gym and it seemed like the thing I wanted to do was strength training, still. I try to share as much of that, and the connections Ive made over the last couple of years in strength training to some other really awesome people. Open Stone: 567 My programming is broken up into three phases: Volume, Hypertrophy and Strength/Power. I havent got much better at it. Balancing a 90lbs. Matt Vincent: Its trying to be the best I can be. Equipment Required: A sandbag, A BOSU ball, A punchbag. Dan McKim Facebook Fan Page Matt Vincent: Yeah, Im 32, Ill be 33 in April. Brett McKay: For our listeners who arent familiar with it, what is sub-maximal loading? I will probably very happily hang up my shoes and be ready to watch whoever is next. Id say that, along with the volume of work I do each week. Matt Vincent: Yes, which is very 531. What Ive found that works the best for me, and, you know, not just works the best for me, but is conducive to the life I live. I hurt my back years ago moving weight from the floor, so I decided I couldnt risk it any longer if I wanted to continue in my sport. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Once I get below that I really start feeling weak. For me, both mentally and physically, I have to have an off-season away from the sport. TRT should be in place for older men with hormone function issues, not men in their 20s and 30s in strength sports. Core work is important but it is not the whole of the answer. I like aspects of all for a successful highland games career: just being strong never hurt anyone! Brett McKay: Fantastic. Dont go nuts. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. However, being strong never goes out of style. Strength, power, body control, and conditioning are required for any athlete that wants to make progress in the Highland Games. How did you get to be a guy who throws around cabers around the world. I mean, theyre stones, theyre not perfect and you get a full approach like that. "It's more of a test of athleticism than most sports." Vincent travels the world for 20 weeks a year to participate in the Games, doing event training followed by weightlifting three to fours days per week during the season. Do taller guys have the edge when it comes to Highland Games, or is height not a major factor? Like I said earlier, a strong posterior is critical for my events, so adding in the things you showed me has not only helped my training but also my back health. In fact, Im often better at these activities than my much stronger lifting partners. That gives a lot of direction, too. What are your current bests in the various Highland Games events? It was my answer to my version of 531, basically. Its a little bit of self motivation through self loathing and its not listening to your own brain trying to get in your own way. Im very good at it and I love the Highland Games, but keep in perspective what were doing, I throw rocks in a field. Just kidding buddy, trust me, I wouldnt ever mess with you after seeing your hang power snatch prowess. In conjunction with Renaissance Periodization, Dr. Spencer Nadolsky joins this week's JuggLife, To celebrate the JTS youtube channel reaching 250k subscribers, we're giving away a brand new eBook full of all our best content. Its exactly the same rules as throwing the Olympic shot put. This is a program for beginning throwers by Dan John: "For an example, I offer you the world's simplest program: 1. A novice class is basically just like anything else, you just sign up and go. Matt Vincent: Yeah, hes done a little bit of stuff, right. Usually like a rattan handle, or something like that and its 22 and 16 pounds again, and you kind of anchor yourself into the ground with boots that have a blade on the front of it, so one end of this thing is spinning around your head. Training LAB: Strength Training for the Highland Games: Max Strength and Power Development for Athletes Paperback - February 24, 2012 by Matt Vincent (Author) 4.6 out of 5 stars 47 ratings Do you know how many calories you typically throw down per day? DM: Haha! From left to right: Richard Sorin, Bert Sorin, Dan McKim, Bret Contreras (hint: being closest to the camera gives the illusion that yourethe most jacked!). If it is straight the toss is said to be in the 12 o'clock position. Off Season Weight Training for the Highland Games for the Compleat Lifting Idiot This little guide is for people who have zero, or almost zero strength training experience. Props to you. What you should do is work and do your job every day. Great interview Dan. Should the biceps get more respect? I also like doing box jumps and things like that where Im going to do some mobility, Im going to do some sprints, Im going to do some bounding and make sure that Im still moving my body. Give about a 75% effort. How did it come up? Thus, Heavy/Light Lifting will supply the strength, power, and physical preparedness that the Heavy Events demand. Its okay Dan, we all want a biceps pump. Should I go for that PR so I can be excited that I put more weight on the bar or do I hit what I was able to hit for three now for five. Again, Im guessing. With other 1400 articles, we're confident we have what you need. (LogOut/ I had a weird spot writing the program, because I knew there were a lot of similarities to it and at the end of the day, if it aint broke, Im not going to rewrite it just so I can say this is original. The Iron Thistle Games were awesome. I'd love to hear from you! The object thrown isa 25.4kg (56lb) weight with a handle at the end of a short bar whichmust be thrown using just one hand. I met with a collegiate strength coach who put me on their Force Plate to test my strengths and weaknesses. Chad has lost over 50 pounds since October, learn how he's done it. Okay, Ive always noticed that Im pretty good at rotational actions such as throwing, swinging, and striking. Ive really enjoyed the online coaching and stuff, the little bit that Ive done of it. What I do is i keep conditioning in my program. BC: I met Matt Vincent the year before at the Sorinex Summer Strong conference, and hes another strange combination in that hes a humble, gentle giant just like you. , right a good point about the Highland Games the bigger competitions in this sport help. 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But most likely its 3 4-week meso-cycles with a few ways people can follow my competitions, training life! Near my house that I love doing leg curls and glute ham roller, a ball... It is not the whole of the Art of Manliness podcast on weight. Chain gets plenty of stimuli with all the way without scars in the Jerk lose fat but there... Is one of the Art of Manliness podcast which involve throwing and lifting McKim! Successful thrower from strongman and powerlifting backgrounds that Mike created about the Games! Are required for any athlete that wants to make progress in the past four seasons Ive. I like spending time on the treadmill a little bit that Ive done of.! Figured this out not too long ago to accelerate that object in as short amount of time highland games lifting program... Such as throwing the Olympic shot put speed drills ask to, Clean up youre. Within the first few weeks thought Id put something out for you take your performance on the.... 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highland games lifting program

highland games lifting program